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The Container extension in Qlik Sense provides a powerful way to organize and display multiple visualizations within a single container. This guide will help you get started with the Containers extension, explaining its features, setup process, and customization options.

Accessing Containers Extension

Step 1. Open Qlik Sense Application: Open the Qlik Sense Hub and choose the application where the Containers Extension will be added.

Step 2. Enter Edit Mode: Navigate to the sheet or create a new sheet where you plan to use the Containers Extension. Enter the edit mode to make changes to the sheet.

Step 3. Access Custom Objects: In the left panel, click on "Custom Objects" to open the custom objects menu.

Step 4. Select SenseOps Extension: Locate and select "SenseOps" from the custom objects menu.

Step 5. Add SenseOps Straight Table: Find the "SenseOps Containers" extension within the SenseOps category. Click and hold the Containers Extension, then drag and drop it onto the sheet canvas.

Adding Objects to the Container

Follow these steps to add objects to the container:

1. Select View Type:

  • After adding the SenseOps container to the sheet, navigate to the property panel on the right.

  • Under "Container objects," click on "Add container object."

  • Select the view type between single and grid. For this example, let's choose single.

2. Configure Object Properties:

  • Choose the chart you wish to add from the master items list displayed.

  • Configure the title of the chart by selecting from three options: text, icon, or both.

    • Text: Displays only the title of the chart specified in the label tab.

    • Icon: Displays the icon of the selected visual. If the selected visual is a table, it will display a table icon, and if it's a pie chart, it will display a pie chart icon alone.

    • Both: Displays both the icon and text.

  • Customize the icon by toggling between "inherit chart type" and "custom." Inherit chart type displays the icon of the selected chart, while custom allows you to specify a custom icon using expressions. You can also specify the size and position of the icon.

  • Set conditional show options to determine when to show or hide the object from the list of master items in the container. Choose between "always show" and "conditional." Conditional will display the object only when specific conditions are met, as specified in the expression tab.

3. Setting Active Chart in Container:

  • Click on "Active chart in container" under Container objects.

  • Select the chart you wish to display in the default view from the list of objects already in the container.

  • Customize this by clicking on the "custom" option and specifying conditions in the expression tab. If the specified condition is met, it will set that chart as active in the container in the default view.

Multiple Container Views:

Enhance your Qlik analysis by incorporating diverse container views to organize your charts effectively. The Containers extension offers various layout options including tabs, accordion, dropdown, carousel, or hidden views, providing flexibility in presenting your visualizations based on your analytical needs.


  • Organize charts as tabs for easy navigation.

  • Customize tab height and width to fit your design preferences.

  • Adjust tab horizontal alignment for optimal layout presentation.


  • Arrange charts in an accordion layout for a compact display.

  • Choose between vertical or horizontal orientation.

  • Adjust space between visuals in the accordion for better readability.

  • Utilize a dropdown layout to conserve space while offering accessibility.

  • Customize dropdown width for optimal fit within your dashboard.

  • Align dropdown horizontally as per your layout requirements.

  • Opt for a carousel layout with navigation buttons for dynamic visualization.

  • Scroll through charts seamlessly with left and right navigation controls.


  • Hide all other objects in the container except for the currently visible one.

  • Useful for focusing on specific charts or insights during analysis.

All five views can be further customized by specifying conditions in the expressions field, allowing for dynamic control over the display based on various criteria. By leveraging these container views, you can create dynamic and interactive dashboards tailored to your analytical workflow.