Easy, flexible pricing plans for all. FREE forever up to 10 users.
Try for FREESelected plan
Plan Options | |||
App Extensions | | | |
Smart Tables Straight Table with advanced visualization | | | |
Charts Combo, Adhoc and Pie Charts | | | |
Alerting Intelligent Qlik Sense Alerts | | | |
Writeback Automated writeback to files, databases | QVD Only | | |
UX Container, buttons and navigation controls | | | |
Custom Integrations | | | |
No-code UI Builder Personalized dashboards and custom branding | | | |
Embed Anywhere Integrations on portals, mashups, ERP/ CRMs | | | |
Code Management | | | |
Source Code Control Multi-user version management across environments |
30-day trial
(1 environment, upto 3 Developers) | (1 environment, upto 3 Developers) | |
Automated Deployment Governed code progressions and rollback | | | |
CI/CD Automation Automated apps delivery,CI/CD pipelines and Integrations | | | Add-on |
Features | | | |
Support Get on-demand support for your queries | Email support | Web and email support (Ticketing-based) | Prioritized web and email support (Ticketing-based) |
Multi-Server Support for multiple servers within organization | | | |
High Resolution Originals No water mark for Charts or Extensions | | | |
Offline mode Available for on-premise deployment | | | |
Site-based licensing Unlimited installations and licensing at site | | | Contact us |
Core-based licensing licensing for QAP users | | | |
Customer Success Manager Dedicated point-of-contact (Local Business Hours) | | | |
Feature prioritization request Prioritized queue for new features, enhancements | | | |
Have a feature request or need to explore enhanced support?
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All of Qlik journey under one-roof
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