Fostering collaboration all the way

Unifying development to deployment and orchestration of Qlik devOps within a platform

Code Management Architecture

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Connect with Qlik Apps

Getting started is simple and takes just 3 steps. Logon to SenseOps and sync-up with your Qlik Sense applications. Choose apps that you’d like to work on and import them as your Repositories in SenseOps. And then you’re ready to go.


Make commits from SenseOps

It all begins with auto-creation of a master branch, which is a copy of your latest Qlik Sense app. You can now make commits, update versions and keep it always in-sync with changes in the Hub.


Activate branching for team

Get your developers to spin-off new branches for hot fixes, new features or enhancements. All they have to do is take a clone of the Repository and start committing changes within.


Send merge requests

Make changes to the code, test and raise a request to merge your latest version with the Master Branch. Merge requests get queued up for approvers’ actions.


Resolve merge conflicts

Visually compare all changes in merge requests at most granular levels viz., sheets, objects. Approve, reject and govern changes without delays.


Govern code movement across environments

Code progression is simple and transparent with SenseOps. Securely review and publish code from source to target e.g., development or test to production, in a single click.


Rollback code versions

Pullback releases that need fixes and restore with stable and updated versions. Single-click rollbacks to govern and keep production environments clean.


Supercharge your Ops

As Sys Admin, all features roll in to you - from setup of users, environments, Git Server connections to orchestrating all actions in the DevOps cycle.


Unleash new levels of productivity for your teams


  • Creates Repositories, clones Master Branch
  • Makes commits within SenseOps
  • Creates new Branches and versions
  • Sends request to merge working version
  • Compares version in granular detail


  • Creates Projects for teams, assigns roles and access
  • Inspects Merge Conflicts and new changes
  • Approves/rejects requests to resolve conflicts
  • Creates Jobs and Packages for code movement between environments
  • Defines CI/CD pipeline


  • Runs Jobs
  • Runs Packages
  • Rolls back Jobs/Packages
  • Activates CI/CD

Sys Admin

  • Includes access of all other roles
  • Creates Environments
  • Creates Connectivity


SenseOps is a No-code DevOps platform for developers to collaborate, deploy and govern Qlik Sense applications at scale. SenseOps streamlines source code management and deployment of Qlik Sense applications, Mash-ups and Extensions throughout the Business Intelligence Lifecycle. A unifying platform with built-in code review mechanisms and integrations, SenseOps makes it possible for developer teams to seamlessly build, commit, manager their on-going updates through automation.

When two or more developers work simultaneously on building and deploying an App, it can lead to misinformation on which is the latest version and eventually slow down deployment due to missing information on inter-app dependencies. The more the Apps, the bigger and riskier the challenge.

SenseOps offers end-to-end source code management for Qlik Sense. It stores all the App versions, tracks code changes from time-to-time and provides instant visibility on who worked on the updates to any version, enabling faster conflict resolutions, decisions on deploying or amending versions. A high level of automation powers code progression across environments, saving all the manual interventions in the deployment cycle.

SenseOps allows Developer, Manager, Promoter and Admin roles to be setup within an organization.


  • Carries out multiple actions: Ex - Clone a Repository (Master) as Branches, run tasks within the Branches, modify Measures, create new Dashboards, send request to merge working version and so on.


  • Creates Projects, assigns Developers and Promoters to them
  • Inspects Merge Conflicts, approves/ rejects merge requests for Branches.
  • Creates Repository (Master) with Projects
  • Creates Job definitions (movement across environments) and Packages (Group of related Jobs) for Deployment


  • Runs Jobs Packages, Rollback Jobs/ Packages


  • Creates environments, defines roles, access controls and integrations

Yes, however SenseOps has its own LDAP authentication mechanism for every user login.

SenseOps supports all Qlik Sense on-premise, SaaS versions (Enterprise Editions), Mashups and Extensions.

Projects are spaces where developers can manage all updates to Qlik Sense Applications based on the type of Apps, ex: Grouping by Sales, Finance, Quality, etc

Repositories are a collection of App versions/ files created within a Project. While developers work with multiple versions, make commits from time-to-time within Repositories, all these changes are auto-tracked for versioning and available on-demand during deployment or updates scenarios

Jobs are pre-defined actions to enable deployment: code progression between environments (Development, UAT and Production). Packages are a collection of related Jobs configured and run as a batch and can be re-used by teams for frequently run programs.

In case of single developer in an environment, the developer can clone a Qlik application (Master version) from their workstream, modify it, commit changes to their branches. On completion of all changes, he/ she raised a Merge request with the Master branch. The request gets approved/ rejected by the Manager and a Job is run to publish the app live. At any point in time, manager can rollback to any older version with a single-click.

In case of many developers in an environment, 2 or more developers working on a Qlik Sense app can clone from their work streams and work on them as separate branches. The developers can then modify and commit to their respective branches from their work streams. The manager/admin executes the merge requests from each developer and decides which request should be merged to accommodate changes and commit to the master branch, Manager creates a job to publish in the live stream. Manager can also rollback to previous versions.

In case of multiple developers in a single Qlik environment, 2 or more developers working on a Qlik Sense app can clone from their work streams and work on them as separate branches. The developers can modify the apps and commit to their respective branches. The manager/admin reviews merge requests from developers and decides the changes to be finally committed to the Master branch, Manager creates a Job to publish to production and can publish/replace the same app in another Qlik environment. A Manager can also rollback to previous versions.

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